Anatomy Trains for Manual Therapists, March 20-22

Joanna will be assisting Jason Spitalnik for this course in Asheville, NC.

One short course… long-lasting results for you!
Set your anatomy knowledge free! Thomas Myers’ Anatomy Trains® weekend intensives are holistic, fun and very useful. Completely transform your view of myofascial anatomy and expand your ability to assess your clients.

The Anatomy Trains concept moves beyond mechanical “cause and affect” actions of muscles to the integrative relational connections of real-life functional movement. This is a revolutionary map for analyzing soft-tissue patterns, and developing strategies for unwinding these patterns via fascial and myofascial work.

Anatomy Trains offers skills that hands-on therapists, regardless of their modality, can use to see their clients more clearly and work more effectively.

Read more and see full course listing.