Contact and Location

If you would like to schedule a session, or inquire about our services, email is the preferred mode of contact.
We can be reached at the follow email addresses:


Phone: 857-719-7629

634 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 201, Newton Center, 02459

View Larger Map
Note: Google shows our address on the wrong side of the street. We are on the inbound side, above Heartbreak Hill Running Company and Salon Sasha.

By T:
Take the Green D Line to Newton Center. Our office is one third of a mile up Center Street.
There are bus routes as well.

The parking spaces in front of the building are one hour only, Monday-Friday 9am-6pm.
Unrestricted parking is available on the the carriage road on the outbound side of Commonwealth Avenue, as well as on Summer Street and other nearby residential roads.
There are no meters.

Winter Weather
If the town of Newton declares a Snow Emergency, all street parking is prohibited.  To check whether there is a Snow Emergency in effect, go to the town of Newton website. A banner will display on the home page directly under the top navigation bar if an Emergency has been called.