Is Structural Integration, Visceral Manipulation, or any other bodywork covered under insurance?

Currently SI is not directly covered under insurance in Massachusetts. Depending on your insurance, you may be able to get a full or partial reimbursement from the session if you are referred for massage or bodywork, or if your insurance covers alternative therapies. Please contact your insurance to inquire. We are happy to provide you with any necessary documentation.

What should I wear?

For women we recommend a two piece bathing suit, or a bra and full coverage underwear/running shorts that allow for full range of movement.
Please avoid a sports bra that does not allow for full access to the spine, as well as tight yoga pants.
For men we recommend full coverage boxer shorts, running shorts or bathing suit.

Your level of comfort is important. And it is equally important to have full access to the areas necessary in each session. If you have questions about whether your attire will be appropriate, do not hesitate to ask!

Please refrain from wearing any heavy perfume or cologne.
If you are a smoker, please refrain from smoking for at least an hour before the session.

Is this work painful? I’ve heard of similar treatments and have heard it hurts.

The work should not be painful.
There are times when the work produces intense sensation. We are always seeking for this to be an intensity that educates the body about its current and changing state, and allows for the most complete healing. It’s the joint responsibility of practitioner and client during the sessions to monitor and communicate regarding your comfort while still being effective in the work.

If you are coming in for Visceral Manipulation, we will be working with a very sensitive and ancient system. This work should never be painful. Most often it is far more gentle yet deeper than sensations of massage. It is common to find “familiar” feelings here. Perhaps there’s a dull ache when you twist to the left, or a strange feeling in your abdomen when you perform a given motion. We tend not to think anything of these sensations in daily life. Visceral sessions are always very informative experiences!

How is KMI Structural Bodywork different from massage therapy?

First, KMI is an interactive process between practitioner and client, unlike passive massage treatments you may be used to. You, the client, are given movement cues during the session: while on the treatment table, seated on a special bench, or when walking. Your participation is one of the keys to getting the most out of your session and your Series, and one of the fundamental “ingredients” to the effectiveness of this work!

What happens after I finish my KMI Series? Do we do it all again?

The series has a beginning, a middle, and an end. After completing a Series, you get the opportunity to live into the changes we’ve made in our sessions. Though you’ve left the treatment room, the work we’ve done will continue to unfold into the upcoming months to years. Sometimes more change can occur in the months following a Series than what happens during the Series! The body is infinitely complex, and the ramifications of change will continue to be felt.

When you feel that you are ready for a tune-up, or if you have an injury, illness or other circumstances, we’ll strategize the next step for you. This can be a different type of bodywork, it could be the 3 Series, or another 12 Series.
As you will experience in the 12 Series, the body is truly infinite; there is always more to unfold and explore. However, it is important that the work is done at a pace that the body can integrate.

Additionally, if there is anything that was not addressed fully in the series, we can do this after the series. This could be such things as external or internal scars, visceral restrictions, working with a specific movement pattern, etc.

What if I want to do KMI, but I only want to do 3 sessions?

The 3 sessions of KMI are a wonderful introduction to the work and can stand alone. However, most people decide that they would like to continue on to the 12 series after beginning the 3 series. If this is your first introduction to Structural Integration, we usually suggest that you begin with the first three sessions of the 12 series. This is also a coherent series in its own right, and will allow you to seamlessly transition to the full series, should you decide to continue.

What happens if I forget about a session I had scheduled?

We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. The client assumes the responsibility for the session charges for a late cancellation or a no-show. This policy is in place to honor and respect our time, your time, and the time of all of our clients. If you have booked a time, that time has been reserved and dedicated for you.